Educational: Webinar on PM eVidya: Learning through Digital Games: Eduactiv8 & Gcompris
Webinar on PM eVidya: Learning through Digital Games: Eduactiv8 & Gcompris Learning through Digital Games: Eduactiv8 &a…
Webinar on PM eVidya: Learning through Digital Games: Eduactiv8 & Gcompris Learning through Digital Games: Eduactiv8 &a…
Sahyog on PMeVidya: Reframing Strategies for Post COVID Schooling sahyog #Reframing Strategies for Post COVID Schooling Ema…
Live Interaction on PM eVidya: Poem:Run Subject:English Class:IV Poem:Run Subject:English Class: IV #PM eVidya Email:- dth.…
Live Interaction on PM eVidya: Diwali Subject: Urdu Class: III Diwali Subject: Urdu Class: III #PM eVidya Email:- dth.class…
Live Interaction on PM eVidya: The story of Amrita Part-2 Subject: EVS Class: IV The story of Amrita Part-2 Subject: EVS Cl…
Live Interaction on PM eVidya :Chhotu's House Subject:EVS Class:III Chhotu's House Subject:EVS Class:III #PM eVidya…
Live Interaction on PM eVidya : Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms पाठ-3 : म्याऊँ, म्याऊँ Subject : H…
SAHYOG on PM eVidya : " Mindfulness" Mindfulness #sahyog #PM eVidya Email:- Special Live…
Live Interaction on PM eVidya : Chapter -11: Lines And Lines Subject: Maths Class: II Chapter -11: Lines And Lines Subject:…
Webinar on PM eVidya : Explore Telegram as an Educational Tool Explore Telegram as an Educational Tool #Webinar #PM eVidya …
Live Interaction on PM eVidya : Chapter - 1: Shapes and Space Subject: Maths Class: I Chapter - 1: Shapes and Space Subject…
Live Interaction on PM eVidya : Natkhat Chuha, Bhaag - 2 Subject: Hindi Class : II Natkhat Chuha, Bhaag - 2 Subject: Hindi …
Live Interaction on PM eVidya : नून छोटी ये और बड़ी ये हुरूफ़ और उनसे बनने वाले अल्फ़ाज़ नून छोटी ये और बड़ी ये हुरूफ़ और उनसे…
live 25th All India Children's Educational Audio Video Festival AICEAVF#NCERT #All India Children's Educational Aud…
live 25th All India Children's Educational Audio Video Festival AICEAVF#NCERT #All India Children's Educational Aud…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Integration - Part- I Subject: Mathematic (Class XII) Integration - Part- I Subject: Mathema…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Life-Span Perspective and Stages of Development Life-Span Perspective and Stages of Developm…
SAHYOG on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: Over-thinking: Effect on Mental Health Sahyog #Over-thinking: Effect on Mental Heal…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: Lines and Angles-II Lines and Angles-II Subject: Mathematics Class:IX Email:- dth.class9@ciet…
Webinar on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: Understanding Doxing and Ways to Combat Understanding Doxing and Ways to Combat Em…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : What Democracy,Why Democracy-Part II What Democracy,Why Democracy-Part II Subject: Social Sc…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : व्यञ्जनान्त शब्दरूप व्यञ्जनान्त शब्दरूप Subject: Sanskrit Class:X Email:- dth.class10@ciet.n…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Electricity Electricity Subject:Science Class:X Email:- Special Live…
Live Webinar on PMeVIDYA : Paricharcha Mental Well - being and Holistic Development Mental Well - being and Holistic Develo…
Live Webinar on PMeVIDYA : Paricharcha Mental Well - being and Holistic Development Mental Well - being and Holistic Develo…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms Art Therapy- A useful tool for all …
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : National Student Outreach Program National Student Outreach Program Microbiome-environment: …
Sahyog on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Strength of Will Power Sahyog #Strength of Will Power Email:-…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Direct and Inverse Proportions-II Crop Production and Management-V Subject: Science Class:VI…
Webinar on PMeVIDYA : Finding Location Using NAVIC Finding Location Using NAVIC #Webinar Email:- Speci…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Air Subject : Social Science Class: VII Air # Subject : Social Science Class: VII Email:- dt…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Crop Production and Management-V Subject: Science Class:VIII Crop Production and Management-…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : School Complex: A Policy mandate or a Neighborhood Goal School Complex: A Policy mandate or …
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Chapter 2: A Gift of Chappals Class : VII Subject: English Working with the Text and Languag…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms Chapter 2 : Inverse Trigonometric F…
Sahyog on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Self Care- D.O.S.E. Sahyog #Self Care- D.O.S.E. Email:- S…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Symmetry-III Subject: Mathematics Class: VI Symmetry-III Subject: Mathematics Class: VI Subj…
Webinar on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Create Worksheets using Wizer webinar #Create Worksheets using Wizer Email:- trai…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Lesson6: Every drop counts Subject:EVS Class: V Lesson6: Every drop counts Subject:EVS Class…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Components of Food Subject: Science Class:VI Components of Food Subject: Science Class:VI Su…
Chapter 5_ Anita and the Honeybees This is an Audio Book of EVS_Looking Around for Class - 4. via YouTube https://www.yout…
Chapter 4_The Story of Amrita This is an Audio Book of EVS_Looking Around for Class - 4. via YouTube…
Chapter 3_ A Day with Nandu This is an Audio Book of EVS_Looking Around for Class - 4. via YouTube…
Chapter 2_ Ear to Ear This is an Audio Book of EVS_Looking Around for Class - 4. via YouTube…
Chapter 1_ Going to School This is an Audio Book of EVS_Looking Around for Class - 4. via YouTube…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Chapter5: Does it look the same? Chapter5: Does it look the same? Subject: Maths Class:V #PM…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms Relations and Functions Subject : M…
Live Interaction Sahyog on PMeVIDYA : A Connect betwen Parent and Child A Connect betwen Parent and Child #sahyog #PMeVIDYA…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : सुनीता की पहिया कुर्सी-1 Subject: Hindi Class:IV सुनीता की पहिया कुर्सी-1 Subject: Hindi Cla…
Webinar on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Creating Assessment using Edcite Creating Assessment using Edcite #Webinar #PMeVI…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : The Enormous Turnip The Enormous Turnip Subject: English Class:III #PMeVIDYA Email:- dth.cla…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Hamdardi-IV Subject: Urdu Class:IV Hamdardi-IV Subject: Urdu Class:IV Subject: Urdu Class: I…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Chapter9: How Many Times? Chapter9: How Many Times? Subject:Maths Class:III #PMeVIDYA Email:…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms Polynomials Subject : Mathematics C…
Priya The Accessibility Warrior Launch Video Priya The Accessibility Warrior Launch Video. via YouTube…
NIPUN Bharat Launch Video NIPUN_Bharat Launch Video. via YouTube
Live Sahyog on PMeVIDYA : Enhancing Healthy and Positive Communication Enhancing Healthy and Positive Communication #PMeVID…
Live Interaction Webinar on PMeVIDYA : Artificial Intelligence for Education Artificial Intelligence for Education #PMeVIDY…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Natkhat Chuha Bhaag-1 Subject: Hindi Class:II Natkhat Chuha Bhaag-1 Subject: Hindi Class:II …
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Lalu and Peelu Subject:English Class:I Lalu and Peelu Subject:English Class:I #PMeVIDYA Emai…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Chapter10: Add our Points Subject: Maths Class:II Chapter10: Add our Points Subject: Maths C…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Zabar, Zer, Pesh Subject: Urdu Class : I Zabar, Zer, Pesh Subject: Urdu Class:I #PMeVIDYA Em…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms Chapter2: Polynomials Subject : Mat…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Locating India's Struggle for Independence Textual Materials of Some Neighbouring Countr…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Constitution: Why and How Subject: Political Science Class: XI Constitution: Why and How Sub…
Sahyog on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Responsible Decision Making among Students Sahyog #Responsible Decision Making amo…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: Separating the Components of a Mixture Separating the Components of a Mixture Subject : Scien…
Webinar on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Digital Payments Safety for Children and Parents webinar # Digital Payments Safet…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: Taleem se be-tavajjohi ka natija: Altaf Hussain Hali Taleem se be-tavajjohi ka natija: Altaf …
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: Linear Equations in Two variables - III Linear Equations in Two variables - III Subject : Mat…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: Water Resources Subject:Social Science Class:X Water Resources Subject:Social Science Class:X…
Live Webinar on PMeVIDYA : Paricharcha - Transforming Home - School conflicts Transforming Home - School conflicts #Paricha…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms Linear Equations in One Variables S…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : National Student Outreach Program What Does Nutrition Mean to us ? National Student Outreach…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : मानव संसाधन Subject: Social Science (Class:VIII) मानव संसाधन Subject: Social Science (Class:…
Webinar on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Learning Languages with Duolingo Learning Languages with Duolingo #webinar Email:…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Exponents and Powers-III Subject: Mathematics (Class:VII) Exponents and Powers-III Subject: …
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : गृहं शून्यं सुतां विना Subject:Language (Sansktrit) (Class:VIII) गृहं शून्यं सुतां विना Subj…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Fibre to Fabric-II Subject:Science (Class:VII) Fibre to Fabric-II Subject:Science (Class:VII…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA :An Introduction to Pedagogical Leadership An Introduction to Pedagogical Leadership The topic…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms Chapter 2: Fractions and Decimals S…
Live Interaction on Sahyog : Effective ways to cops with Social Concerns Effective ways to cops with Social Concerns #PMeVI…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Webinar on ICT tools : Creating Animations using Animaker Webinar on ICT tools : Creating An…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : What is Government? Subject : Social Science Class : VI What is Government? Subject : Social…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : किसान Subject : Urdu Class : V किसान Subject : Urdu Class : V #PMeVIDYA Email:- dth.class5@c…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : हमारे त्यौहार Subject : Urdu Class : VI हमारे त्यौहार Subject : Urdu Class : VI #PMeVIDYA Em…
Live Interaction : नदी का सफर - II Subject : Hindi Class : V नदी का सफर - II Subject : Hindi Class : V #PMeVIDYA Email:- dt…
Live Interaction : Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms Whole Numbers Subject : Maths Class : VI #PMeVI…
Live Interaction:NISHTHA 2.0 (Secondary Level)-Personal social qualities for holistic development Personal social qualities…
Sahyog on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Academic Challenges: Ways to Handle them Sahyog #Academic Challenges: Ways to Hand…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA :Helath is Wealth Subject: EVS (Class:IV) Helath is Wealth Subject: EVS (Class:IV) #PMeVIDYA E…
Webinar on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Creating stories using Inklewriter webinar #Creating stories using Inklewriter #P…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Mera Pyara Watan-Nazm Subject: Urdu (Class:III) Mera Pyara Watan-Nazm Subject: Urdu (Class:I…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Lesson 4: The story of Amerita Subject: EVS (Class:IV) Lesson 4: The story of Amerita Subjec…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : कब आऊँ (भाग-2) Subject : Hindi (Class : III) कब आऊँ (भाग-2) Subject:Hindi (Class:III) #PMeVI…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: The Demographic Structure of Indian Society The Demographic Structure of Indian Society Subje…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms Chapter 2: Shapes And Angles Subjec…
Live Interaction:NISHTHA 2.0 (Secondary Level)-Personal social qualities for holistic development personal social qualities…
Sahyog on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: Optimism: Silver Lining of a Dark Cloud Sahyog #PMeVIDYA #Optimism: Silver Lining o…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Sabziwala Sbziwala Subject: Urdu (Class:II) #PMeVIDYA Email:- Special…
Webinar on Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: Interactive Digital Worksheets - Topworksheets WEBINAR #PMeVIDYA #Interactive Digi…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA :पतंग (कविता) Subject : Hindi (Class:I) पतंग (कविता) #PMeVIDYA Email:- …
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA :A Smile Subject: English (Class:II) A Smile Subject: English (Class:II) #PMeVIDYA Email:- dth…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : How Many? Subject: Maths (Class:I) How Many? Subject: Maths (Class:I) #PMeVIDYA Email:- dth.…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Teaching Learning Interventions for Inclusive Classrooms Chapter 2: Long And Short #Subject:…
Live Interaction:NISHTHA 2.0 (Secondary Level)-ICT in Teaching - Learning and Assessment (Hindi) NISHTHA 2.0…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: The Demographic Structure of Indian Society The Demographic Structure of Indian Society Subje…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: The Demographic Structure of Indian Society The Demographic Structure of Indian Society Subje…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: The Demographic Structure of Indian Society The Demographic Structure of Indian Society Subje…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA: Laws of Motion Part-I Laws of Motion Part-I #Subject: Physics (Class:XI) #PMeVIDYA https://if…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Part II Mahatma Gandhi National Rural…
लोदी का इतिहास बहलोल लोदी ने अलाउद्दीन आलमशाह को परास्त कर लोदी वंश की नींव रखी। इसके पूर्व के सभी सुल्तान तुर्क थे, जबकि लो…
Live Interaction:NISHTHA 2.0 (Secondary Level) ICT in teaching - Learning and Assessment (English) NISHTHA #ICT in teaching…
Live Webinar Safty & Security Concern in use and integration of technology. Implementation NEP2020 Webinar #PMeVIDYA Sp…
Live Webinar Safty & Security Concern in use and integration of technology. Implementation NEP2020 Webinar #PMeVIDYA Sp…
Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Lines and Angles Lines and Angles # Subject: Mathematics (Class: IX) #PMeVIDYA #Email:- dth.…